I'm really really sorry all I did in the past this includes the teams I only have 1 now and moderators please delete the others apart from [LCC] and to all LFS Members and Admins and Mods i'm very very sorry for all I did please please oh please can you belive me and aceapt my apolgie i'm so sorry for what I did and If you can start a new clean slate a new begining and give me a 2nd chance.
Results: Download Speed: 260Kbps
Upload Speed: 212kbps
Quality of service: 91%
Round trip time: 226ms
Max Pause: 144ms
and that in Wireless 3MB KPN Modem
Well finally we're into our 2nd year and yes we have a server up 24/7 with insim (Part Time Insim) and from this time on we will be bringing in new rules and these alone will sort out our problems which we have with you and the whole of the LFS Comunitee and so from now on any childish behavior will be automaticly kicked from our servers and also banned if need be, NOBODY who are childish will be in our comunitee espcially ryan.hynes , and anyone who wants to speak to me post in here maybe and moderators aswell comments on the team are welcome.
09.08.29 13:04:35 #1 AIRIO ERROR: Index was outside the bounds of the array.
at LiveForSpeed.InSim.Airio.Airio.ButtonClick_Handler (Connection sender, ButtonClick b) in c:\Development Files\LFS_Airio2\Buttons.cs:line 331
Theres one track it dont use that happens to me so dont even use Au1 or AU2 or any of those
Let me ask the question WHY did you even bring it up in this post as it makes no sense and its going off-topic if you got a problem with us why dont you post it at www.londoncitycruisers.yourbb.eu .
Oh comeone broken PERSONAL USEAGE that means I CANNOT USE IT FOR MULITPLAYER why dont you release a publicated one for OsC and just put a activation thing for only Single Player usage. And btw broken i'll delete it if need be
Hi guys, LCC servers are up and running 24/7 no insim atm due to problems connecting it to the servers and also some of you may have problems connecting to the actul servers due to a technical problem with the DNS Server at the ISP's base so we hope to get it sorted asap.